Competitions Rules

Divisions + Rules

1A Sport Division

1A Pro Division

X Division

The Freestyle Divisions will be made up of three divisions: 1A Sport, 1A Pro, and the X Division.

1A Sport Division:  1A Sport Freestyle will consist of a 1 minute judged performance.

1A Pro Division:  1A Pro Division will consist of a 1 minute & 2 minute judged performance.

X Division:  The X Division is one division combined with all other styles of play: 2A, 3A, 4A, and 5A.

Competition Rules:

  1. Scoring will follow the standard NYYL/IYYF scoring system.
  2. Competitors in all divisions will only compete once.  
  3. 1A Sport Division routines will be one minute long.
  4. 1A Pro Division Prelims will be one minute long & Finals will be 2 minutes long. *There will be Prelims this Year *
  5.  X Division routines will be two minutes long.
  6. The top three competitors in each division will be awarded prizes.
  7. Music must be PG-13 as this will be a family friendly event. *More information about music submissions coming soon.

*The San Diego Yo-Yo Classic is an independent yo-yo competition but will follow the NYYL/IYYF standards.
